Wednesday 26 September 2012

Let me impart some wisdom to the wise...... DO NOT MISS THIS!

My other half..

I wouldn't normally write a post about myself but this is a fashion blunder worthy of a blog post. Girls, if you've committed this crime then I totally understand your pain- if not then count yourself lucky.
It's 20 past midnight, me and Rhys (my other half) have just staggered home from a "quiet" night on the town. A few glasses of vino, lots of gin and a vat of cider and I'm a little worse for wear. He's worse mind - he's currently trying to change the channel with my mobile phone. We've been out for our anniversary and went for a meal at tapas bar along the seafront so naturally I wanted to look nice......
Following my last post, I decided to go for an oyster nude chiffon shift dress from Nautilus. It had a high empire line so the material fell loosely under my bust hiding my lovely food baby. I accessorized with tan wedges, belt and bag complete with a low bun and sleek 20's hair do and minimal make up (bar some fake eyelashes).                                                    
 We arrived at the restaurant, ordered too much food, drank too much cider- everything was fine! Right up until my bladder felt a little full and I needed to pop to the ladies. So I excused myself and gracefully waltzed up to the ladies room. Now, the way the restaurant is set out, the entrance is in one corner and the toilets on the adjacent wall to the left of the entrance. We were sat diagonally across from the entrance so in order to reach the toilets I had to cross the dining room in everyone's view.
I sat on the toilet having my piddle thinking to myself "Awwww this is nice! Nice food! Nice dress! Nice drink! Just nice!". Now I don't know if you girls think the same but once I'm out and had a few drinks I think I'm the Queen of Sheba- I'll have a little pout in the mirror and think I'm "it" when I'm really far from it. I go back through to the dining room and EVERYONE is staring at me and I think to myself  "Awww how nice people are actually taking note of me, maybe for once I've actually emerged from my house decent looking". I sat down and continued my meal, everything was cushty. Oh no....
A woman, wearing leggings, uggs, and a lot of foundation approached me and Rhys from the other side of the dining room. She parked herself right next to me on my chair ( I was like "What the f...) and she blurted "I'm so sorry, I'm only telling you because I'd be really, really, really embarrassed..." then I was thinking "Oh F*** my F****** life what the F*** have I done????" and she took my hand and looked my in the eye and said "Babe, your dress is tucked right into your knickers and everyone can see your arse". BOOM. I was so shell shocked the only words I could muster were "Oh.. Thanks" and she walked off. I turned round to Rhys in untter disbelief, stood up, turned round to show him and sure enough there it was- a full moon. For everyone to see.
I was so mortified we had to wait til everyone in the dining room had left before we could make a dash for the exit! If I had one piece of advice to avoid a complete and utter wardrobe malfunction......


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